Thursday, June 4, 2020

It's The Year of The Cabbage!

My gosh this is definitely the year for cabbage. They are loving this rain. Those are my glasses in the middle of them. 

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Beautiful! Mine are full of holes from loopers......I use DE with some impact, but not enough. The worms usually win.

    What will you do with your cabbages, CQ?


    1. I usually either make kraut or freeze some for winter soups.

    2. We have been fermenting store bought cabbage for fresh kraut to eat. A great addition to our diets in the last few years. We have also used frozen for soups, works great.

    3. We eat lots of fermented food anyore. It is so good for the gut. Right now I am playing with fermenting garlic scapes. Not sure what I will do with them though.

    4. idea, thank you. We haven't tried anything but cabbage and once added some shredded carrots. I didn't like the addition of carrots since it made everything softer.

      This summer, I am going to try fermenting some of our peppers instead of canning them. We like them crunchy instead of soft. I have a friend that is going to try squash as well. I'll let you know how they turn out.

      I would be very interested in seeing how you ferment, CQ.


    5. I'll take some pictures and do some posts. My favorite ferment is red ripe sweet peppers. They are wonderful!

  2. Beautiful. Please keep us posted as they continue to grow.

  3. This seems to the "year of the garden" for us. So far, it's been cool and enough rain to not have to water yet. Beans are growing by leaps and bounds overnight! I do believe your cabbage is bigger than mine!! 👍👍

    1. Yes it is a good year so far but also a good year for the weeds and bugs. They are loving this rain as well.

  4. You're so right. Check this out!

  5. Ours are doing beautifully, too, tho some minor bug issues (always!). I grow reg and Napa/Chinese--the Napa has gotten so huge and we're enjoying the stir-fry etc. with it. Our chickens are enjoying the remains, too!


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