My mother used to call this busy work. Something to keep your hands busy while you sit. You know idle hands being the devils workshop and all that. Crocheting, knitting, and embroider come to mind mostly. I was taught to do all of these, knitting being my least favorite. I am trying to brush up on my skills lately because I want to crochet a couple baby blankets for my new grandchild due in July. So what better time for that than snow days. Hubby's mother used to keep us in crocheted cotton potholders which I just loved. Since her passing mine had become pretty worn out. So the first order was new pot holders for my kitchen with the leftover thread used to make a couple cotton dishcloths to match.

So now my next project will be my baby blankets. February we will know if it is a girl or a boy and then it will be time to yarn shop. Got to keep them hands busy!
Blessings from the Holler
The Canned Quilter
you have a beatiful place and some very nice crochet.my wife is a crochet,,,,,,,,er?(is that a word?)she is at this very moment in the next room sewing on a quilt. ive enjoyed your blog,ill have to tell my wife.im sure she will enjoy it as well. take care,brad
ReplyDeleteLovely handi work! I especially like the bookmarks, I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my first seed order. I need to place a couple more. Great photos, your blog is interesting.