Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Ladies Are So Showing Off

I was so excited to start getting little bitty pullet eggs from my 10 new spring chicks. They started out small and 1 a day. Then I got another little one that was a darker brown. They gradually got a little bigger and for 3 days in a row I got a smaller but regular size egg. Not a jumbo but probably a large grade egg. Yesterday I was baking zucchini bread and used my new eggs just to get rid of them. The 3 bigger eggs were ALL 3 double yolkers. 

Now you know them girls are just showing off!

I squealed and had to find O Wise One and show him. He was not nearly so impressed. I feel so lucky maybe I should buy a lottery ticket. Wait I don't play the lottery. We farm women are so easily amused.

See ya Monday!

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Thank you for starting my day with a chuckle. You have some good girls there!

  2. GOOD little hens! I had a little banty hen that laid double yoked eggs. She was my tiniest hen. I’ve made 5 loaves of zucchini bread with crushed pineapple added this morning. Oh, yum!!!

    1. That sounds really good. I have never added crushed pineapple.

  3. I get excited over things like that, too!!!! As you said, we farm gals are easily amused!!!!

  4. We buy eggs from a farmer. When my grandkids come from Utah to IL to visit us, seems like my youngest always gets a double yolker. He always gets excited as do I. Life is great!

  5. My hubby would have been suitably impressed. To him, double-yolkers are better than the golden egg. :)


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