Monday, July 27, 2020

Hen House Antics

Saturday morning started muggy and hot. O wise one and I got up early and spent several hours in the garden. Pruning, weeding and cleaning before the heat of the day and we knew we had storms rolling in later in the day. 

About 9:30 we came in and cleaned up and showered and then we were off on a mission. You see the ladies of the hen house are growing up. Every time O Wise One walks in these days they squat. You know they take that submissive position. Makes O Wise One uncomfortable. Says it is downright unnatural. 

So we take a ride to the top of the mountain to visit a local farmer. The drive was breathtaking with a steady drizzle by this time and the mist in the mountain tops and the foliage lush from recent rains. The crepe myrtle and mimosa trees were heavy with blooms. 

Our destination was a farmer in Alpine Tennessee and we purchased Leroy.  Leroy is a young Copper Maran rooster. He will grow to be the master of his domain. 

Right now the 10 ladies are strutting. 

The Hussies.

Leroy is hiding in a nesting box looking somewhat shell shocked. 

Here's hoping Leroy gradually grows into his new roll. Right now he completely understands the phrase "Henpecked". 

Did I mention they were Hussies!

Blessings From The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. He is a handsome fellow and I’m sure the hens will soon be swooning over him!!!

    1. Yeah I hope so. He is only about 4 months old. The girls are 5 months. He will get used to them I hope. His dad Leroy Sr. was beautiful.

  2. He is beautiful, but very outnumbered! I hope he finds his courage soon. I'm still chuckling at the thought of him cowering while the girls strut and peck at him. Hussies, indeed!



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