Well yesterday certainly was productive. Granddaughter gets off the school bus every Tuesday and we have "grandma" Tuesday. Right now we are working on a rag quilt together. The oldest granddaughter has completed hers and we are working on the youngest ones quilt. Sometimes she spends the night and sometimes her parents pick her up after work. Yesterday we got quite a few squares cut out on her quilt which is yellow with monkeys on it. Her cousins was pink and green with frogs. We are almost ready to sew, maybe just 1 or 2 more Tuesdays of cutting out squares.
Hubby ( O Wise One) also had a bit of luck yesterday. Went to the store in town to pick up a few things for me. While there the owners gave him a case of lettuce that was going bad. The chickens are loving their generosity and even gave us extra eggs today. Well the Lord certainly does provide ! He also made a batch of jerky that granddaughter and Son in law sampled and gave the thumbs up. Another job done. He still has some sliced in the freezer ready to go in the dehydrator but that is a job for another day.
Blessings from the Holler
The canned quilter
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