Monday, June 28, 2021

Summer Garden


Just a few days until July and the heat has found us. Temperatures are still in the 80's but it feels in the 90's with the humidity. We get up early to do chores in an effort to beat it as much as possible. The daylilies are blooming around the yard and are beautiful this year. 

The hosta is putting on a show as well. 

Grapes are hanging on the vine in the warm sunshine. 

Garlic is dug and hanging in the woodshed. 

Another year in the garden and another July. The garden is loving the heat with green beans fattening on the bush and the bees working the fat yellow squash blooms. The black currants are ripening and the elderberry are absolutely covered in big white flat clusters of white blooms. 

The yellow plums are ripening on the trees and both the robins and I sneak through regularly for a little sample of those sweet treats. I notice more small green figs on the trees everyday. The tomatoes are blooming but I have not noticed any fruit set yet. Blackberries are blooming along the back fence and the rudbeckia daisies I planted back there are beautiful. Things start growing fast now with the heat and long days of summer. Days are filled with watering, weeding, gathering and preserving it all. Such a buy time of the year but exciting none the less. 

I hope everyone has a blessed week and do not forget to stay safe in this heat. Plenty of water and sunscreen. As for me lots of afternoon siestas and iced tea. 

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter

I can also be found at


  1. You have lots going on there! Here in Ohio, I have tomatoes setting lots of fruit, but lost my carrots for some reason. They started up well and have now disappeared. I got the garden in late for us, but it's doing well. I hope to buy the fig that will grow in zone 6. Figs are delicious! I am following your lead, afternoon naps and lots of cold water and teas and lemonades. We are in the 90's and it's so humid. Great for growing, but hard to work in!!


    1. Darlene I have the " Chicago Hardy" fig and get figs every year just about. I am in 6B or 7A depending on the map you use. The first couple years I protected it and after about year 3 I just let it be. Some years it freezes to the ground but comes back and by July starts putting on baby figs. They do not all have time to ripen very year but I always get some figs. I adore figs!


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