
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The size and smell of the peonies this year is just indescribable. They are huge and the smell hits you long before you reach the blooms themselves. So far no hail or strong winds to blow them over and the rain has been abundant but not hard enough to damage them. What a beautiful sight.

This large red peony was my husband (O Wise One) father's favorite flower. After his death his wife planted them on his grave. She tended then faithfully every year until her death. They make a beautiful show every year and is where I got my start from.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE peonies! Their smell is intoxicating! I could ( and have been known to ) stick my nose in one and not come up for hours!

    I don't have any here on the "new" farm. I think I need to plant some!!


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