
Monday, May 24, 2010

New Rabbits

O Wise One has added 2 new rabbits to the ark! Two boy rabbits which are a cross between New Zealand and California breeds.  He is looking for some girls to go with them to breed. They are about 3 months old. For years he has had rabbits but got rid of them a couple years back because of health issues. Now that everyone is again healthy he has decided to start raising them again for meat. They are a beautiful lean white meat and are so easy to raise. I love that we have rabbits again because their poop is a great additive to the gardens and flowerbeds. It can be applied fresh and will not burn the plants  if not composted first. This will make a wonderful addition to the gardens and the freezer.

Blessings from the Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Mrs.O we just added rabbits to our farm . We also will be butchering ours ,hopefully with some luck and learned skills. The pen was put into place this weekend and we lost one rabbit ,don't know if it just got out or a very skilled cat.Question is what kind of feed do you feed your rabbits for the freezer? :)

    1. Smith Gang we feed our rabbits commercial rabbit food supplemented with green weeds that we pull as well as windfall apples and many things from the garden. Throw a stick in there every so often for them to chew on to keep their teeth trimmed and don't forget a salt ring.


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