
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Canning Greens

Things are hopping here in the Holler. Baby O is out of school and yesterday she was invited to go on a field trip to the city to the amusement park with friends from the neighboring school. So early yesterday morning O Wise One loaded up Baby O and the dogs and dropped Baby O at the neighboring school on his way to the groomers with the dogs. It was time for the summer cut for the dogs. During the winter we let their skirts grow a little longer but during the summer have them groomed shorter because of the heat etc.  Riley looks so nice doesn't he? Sure wished they stayed that way!

My Tuesday morning started  about 5:30 and I was in the garden for 6:00 am. With all the rain everything was kind of dormant but Monday summer hit with temperatures in the upper 80's that's about 10 to 15 degrees above normal for this time of year. So with the heat all my seeds popped up. I had corn and green beans that had been planted for almost a week. I was starting to get worried but with the warm temperatures they came on up. So did the weeds so early every morning I have been hitting the garden to stay in front of the weeds.

We have part of our tomatoes planted and still working on the other part and the pepper plants.

The cabbage is starting to head up and the rabbits have really hit the peas hard. So O Wise One has been rabbit hunting regularly.  I am really not quite sure who is winning the rabbit war but we are giving it a good effort.  The body count is up to 4.

The lettuce and mustard are both ready and we have enjoyed lots of salads. I have posted a recipe for wilted lettuce on my recipe blog  here.

Tuesday night we had Elk Spaghetti. It was great ! O Wise One's cousin had went elk hunting recently and brought us some elk meat. I had never cooked elk before and I must say it was really good.  

The mustard greens I picked early this morning and have cleaned and am putting in jars now. The worst part of putting up greens is cleaning them takes so long. Standing at the sink for what seems hours washing them. One time I was told by Justin Wilson, the Cajun cook to put them in the washer. ( He was a friend of the family) Don't try it people! Instead of hours spent washing greens you spend forever picking little pieces of greens out of your washing machine and then when I washed O Wise Ones underwear they were all green. Not funny Justin may you rest in peace : )

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Is this a Scottie? I have been drooling over that breed for a while. When you get a chance, tell me all about him.

  2. Yum-I've never canned greens-yours look so pretty! The rabbits have been in my peas too : )

  3. Rabbits are exploding here this year too - much to our chagrin :(

    A salad spinner works good for washing greens. You can soak them and then spin out the water, it's one more thing in the cupboard but they sure work good!

  4. I wash my greens in the washer in a pillowcase or a delicates bag. Then I run a rinse cycle after. It cleans them really well then i just chop em up.

  5. Last year I got one of those little stands with an oval bucket inside that used to house soda for patio parties :o) I use that outside to wash my greens before bringing them into the house...I plan on getting those twin laundry sinks and putting them in the yard for just that purpose..I'll be the real hillbilly here in town :o)


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