
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First Prom !

Saturday Night was a milestone for our O Wise One. Indeed a monumental milestone.  Baby Oops is 14 and graduating 8th grade in just a few weeks. She went to her first prom Saturday Night.

Seems like just yesterday she was born. Cradled in O Wise Ones great big hands or curled up on his broad chest sleeping. That was her favorite spot.  Seems like just yesterday she was wearing bib overalls and rubber boots and  playing with crayfish in the back of her daddy's pickup. Or going deer hunting with daddy and singing to the top of her lungs in daddy's deer stand just so Bambi wouldn't come close. O Wise One was not happy.  


Just last year her and daddy were going to archery together. She won 3rd place in the county last year shooting her bow. In just a few months she will be 15 and start driving.  Next year she will be in High School.  But for one more night she is daddy's little girl. So mama helped her put on her makeup and zipped up her dress for her. Mama prayed she didn't break her neck in those high heels she's not used to. And daddy loaded her up and out of the Holler they drove. To town to pick up her date for the night for Jr Prom.  


Sporting her new short haircut that daddy took her to get.


As daddy sat at the kitchen table waiting for her to get dressed he looked at me rather solemnly and said "I can't remember".  Remember what I asked. He looked at me really sadly and said. " I can't remember what she looked like really little". So after they left I dug out this O Wise One just for You !


Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. What a cute haircut! =)

    I can remember when she would get pulled around in the little red wagon when she was a wee critter. =)

  2. Our boys always liked sleeping on Daddy's chest, too. :)
    They grow so fast. Congratulations to Baby Oops and you, too! :)

  3. Danny found that sharpening a chainsaw when the boys arrived to pick up our girls for a date always worked! He felt like he had "showed" them what would happen if they hurt his little girls!!! Hahahaha I feel for both of you with your baby growing up so fast!! She is just beautiful too. Great haircut and beautiful dress!!!!!


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