
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Onions from seeds

As you know this year for the first time we have grown onions from seeds. They were planted inside under lights and finished off in the cold frame.  Then they were planted in the garden beside the row of bought onions that were planted two weeks earlier. Interesting to see how they compare. The bought onion sets are not nearly as healthy looking as the ones started at home. The only thing I would do different is maybe plant them a little earlier next year. However we shall wait to see what harvest brings.
We have 2 rows of bought onion sets. 2 rows of onion from seeds and 1 row of green onion from seeds.

Blessings from the Holler

The Canned Quilter 


  1. That's great! How long did the seeds take to germinate? I had always heard they take a long time. I think that's why many people do sets.
    They do look really good though.
    I'm looking forward to seeing how your harvest is!

  2. A big applause for you my friend!! Not such good luck with mine this year. They came up fine but all my seedlings, not just the onions, seemed to just wither away this year. I usually have wonderful tomatoes and peppers. I have maybe 3 scraggly leeks that will probably not make it in the garden now. The tomatoes are very iffy too.

    I planted tons of store bought onion sets tho. I have also picked out my tomatoes at our local greenhouse and she is keeping them til time to plant them.

    I am thinking my greenthumb is only for flowers this season.

    I can't wait to see the harvest of these!!


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