
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May Flowers

April went out with a bang with another 2 inches of rain on top of the 4 we already had. The blooms are somewhat slow in coming with night time temps still down in the 40's. Looks like this spring will continue to be cool and wet.  With  many parts of the country flooding I think I will not complain! I continue to weed, spray, prune, and separate perennials in between rains. With a lack of warm weather much of what I spray is taking longer to die. However the lawn is growing right before my eyes with the rainfall. Most of the Spring bulbs are now out of bloom. The Rugosa Roses of my mother's are just starting to bloom and the bridal wreath or spirea are blooming. The Irises will be opening within the week and the other roses are not far behind. We continue to have Columbine which are attracting the hummers. The peonies are loaded with blooms and am hoping the rains and winds of these spring storms will not damage them too much.  So far no hail yet! 

The pavers in the bed below have been sprayed and I am now waiting for the plants that have volunteered and the weeds to die. It is impossible to hand weed the pavers because the roots are up under the stones. So every year they have to be sprayed for any volunteers and then I put down a weed preventative to hopefully prevent further germination. This year the pavers were filled with chives and dill that had went to seed.

My mother's Rugosa Roses! The smell is just heavenly...

Plenty of Columbine still for the Hummingbirds.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Your garden is beautiful.

    We had a strange spring, tulips blooming with irises, may flowers along with the early flowers, s super show but so out of season.

  2. Wow! Your gardens are beautiful. You must spend a lot of time on them. They look like a wonderful place to spend a lot of time!

  3. Gorgeous!!!! Glad I am not the only gal out here toting a sprayer around daily!!

  4. Beautiful gardens!! The columbines have done really well here, too, probably due to the cold Spring we've had.

    Your mother's roses are beautiful!


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