
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Slow Summer Days

During those long winter months these are the days that I dream of. Even though the heat can be oppressive I long for the long days. Sitting on the front porch late in the evening with a glass of cold tea. Swinging on the front porch swing. Watching lightning bugs. Corn on the cob and green tomatoes hanging on the vine. Lightning bugs, locusts and katydids. Fourth of July in town at the city picnic. Going to the county fair. 

My computer is still in Central Florida at my son's being fixed. I am blogging today again on my daughters laptop that I borrowed. I have been up to my usual canning pickled beets, baby potatoes and I have started chopping onions and putting in bags in the freezer.

We continue to burn tree stumps that remain from the trees that blew down. We have managed to get all the trees cut up and moved to be burned. We burn a little everyday so as not to have too big of a fire. We don't want anything that can get out of control. The garden is really growing, the beans are blooming and tomatoes are setting nicely. Remember last year they wouldn't set in the cooler weather but this year that doesn't seem to be a problem. We do seem to have more tomato horn worms this year though.The chickens like them though. The peppers are loaded with blooms and the cucumbers are vining nicely. The squash are not quite ready yet but the green onions will be ready to freeze by next week. Peaches should start ripening in a few weeks. We have been getting alot of locally grown cucumbers and cantalope and enjoying lots of salads. Can't wait for sweet corn fresh out of our own garen and watermelons.

In the flower beds the Daylillies are blooming along with Russian Sage and the Brown Eyed Susans 

Baby O leaves for California this weekend for her FCCLA competition so everyone please pray for her safety and good luck also.

I miss my computer but wait patiently knowing that my son will fix it properly. I miss talking to all of you and reading your blogs daily but hope to be back up and running soon. In the meantime I have lots of canning to do. I just started a crock of sauerkraut today. There's laundry soap to make and the chickens are almost ready to butcher. The green beans and other garden produce will keep me plenty busy until then.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. I'll be so glad when your up and running again on the computer, I know there are many more that are waiting too. I've put away two bushels of corn already (freezer) and have already eaten a couple dozen...this year the corn is the thing:o) I'm now trying to put away Blueberries for Blessed and will hear from you soon..Ginny

  2. Good luck and God speed to Baby O!
    Wonderful pictures and so much accomplished, as always. :)

  3. Glad to see a post from you. Miss you bunches and tons, though. I think about calling and don't want to be a pest since I know this is one of your busier seasons. <3

  4. Good to know you're doing better-and getting things cleaned up.

  5. Miss hearing from you and hopefully your computer will be fixed in no time. Happy canning and enjoy your summer evenings on the porch, you will be inside before you know it and worrying about the snow and ice!

  6. Just found your blog. LOVE IT! Enjoying all the wonderful posts and beautiful colorful pictures. Wish we were neighbors. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  7. Looks like you have enough moisture to still grow things. We are bone dry and watering and melting doing it.

    Your photos are great. Pickled beets??? I never mastered them but Mama used to make the best ones ever...thanks for the memory.

  8. Thinking about you and missing you:))


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