
Monday, June 27, 2011


So many have emailed and commented concerned about not hearing from us. Well the late spring and early summer storms have been coming regularly. We had problems with the air conditioner due to power surges and have since lost the coffee pot and the roku streaming box for Netflix. Now we have lost my computer. It is dead ! Today we are boxing it up and mailing it to my middle son for him to repair it. His diagnosis is a power surge has corrupted the program files. I am typing this on my daughter's laptop and I am not very good at it. I miss my own computer.

We woke up this morning to more heart break with overnight storms that took out one of my peach trees that was loaded with unripe fruit. We also lost a crabapple tree also with fruit and another huge limb from the maple tree out by the garden. The large brooder that held a mother hen and 14 baby chickens was blown over and this morning she huddled in 2 inches of water struggling to warm her dead chicks. I cried......

Life can be so hard on a farm sometimes. I guess everyday can't be great but sometimes it just seems like we sure could use a break.

But we are all healthy and safe. It may take a week or two to get my old faithful computer back up and running so please be patient. In the meantime I have been canning new potatoes and today I pickled beets. I canned the last of the mustard greens and made 10 jars of strawberry jam. As I struggle to understand the devastation of these storms and the loss of animal lives that we are responsible for we are also thankful for the blessings of the land we farm. We are thankful that the loss of technolgy, although stressful, can be reasonably easily replaced.

So for all of you out there who follow this blog I shall have to take a short vacation from blogging. I shall miss all of you but have plenty to keep me busy until I am back to update everyone on my exploits again.

Stay safe out there and remember us in your prayers.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter 


  1. I am so sorry!!! Glad you are okay and safe.

  2. Happy you are safe and sound. Computers can become part of our lives and sometime we do not know it. Keep canning and looking forward to some pictures of all the goodies you have put up for the winter. My heart is broken over the loss of trees, garden, chickens and more, but be grateful for what you have and keep moving forward.

  3. So glad to hear from you:)) So sorry for your losses.

  4. I will miss your blogging. I'm glad you are safe and thriving. All that was lost can be replaced in due time...remember job!

  5. *Hugs* God bless and comfort you all. ♥

  6. So glad to hear from you..sad to know of your losses..I lost 4 baby chicks this week myself. It is so hard when you know you are doing everything you can to protect your things. Everyday brings ups and downs only to hope to face tomorrow. Saying a prayer that things will get better. vera

  7. Praise God you all are safe. Things can be replaced. Hang on, winters coming !!!!
    Blessings to you.

  8. Glad to know you folks are safe. Army Monkey is heading back from Afghanyland and will soon be back at his regular base here in the US again.


  9. I've been thinking of you and the storms-it seems they are unrelenting this year. I'm sending some sunshiny thoughts your way-and a wish for NO MORE STORMS!

  10. July 1,2011 Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you and hope to hear from you soon...keep on keeping on! Ginny


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