
Saturday, July 3, 2010


Okay so I am infatuated with Robins ! I need help or maybe an intervention. It all started in elementary school when I wrote this poem about how the Robin got his red breast. It won a school contest and was published in the school paper called The Pea Picker. That was the beginning : ) This nest is in the birch tree by the deck and earlier in the year I photographed one in the apple tree by the garden. This is a young mother and she is very skittish.  She started out with 4 perfect eggs but only hatched 2 chicks.

Nothing cute about that is it?

It amazes me that within just a few weeks they go from egg to fledgling ready to fly.
Mother Nature provides me with such entertainment : )

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter 

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