
Friday, July 2, 2010

Cock of the Walk !

Remember the babies we got in mid March. Remember how cute and cuddly they were. All yellow and fluffy.

Well life moves on. 21 hens and 20 roosters now look like this. The hens are being transferred today to the big chicken yard with the 7 hens we already have. They will begin laying about the end of the summer. Then the 7 original hens will become baking hens since they are over 2 years old. One lucky rooster will become heir to the kingdom. We need a name for this creature. Any suggestions anyone.

Isn't he a proud fellow. Ready to do his duty and hopefully make lots of little baby Buff Orphington chicks. We will actually keep 2 roosters, an heir and a spare ! The other 19 will become fryers and lots of other good things. At 3 and a half months they are indeed ready to butcher

He is certainly a crower ! The hens think he is quite the looker and he is definitely the King of the coop.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Cock of the Walk sounds like a pretty good name to me, haha.
    And he is definitely a looker! :)
    Sounds like you've got some nice meals ahead!

    Have a blessed weekend! :)

  2. They sure grow fast, don't they? I hope they give you lots of good eggs and fried chicken dinners or maybe chicken with your homemade noodles. Yum!


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