
Monday, July 12, 2010

County Fair Time

July has rolled around again and as always we look forward to two things.

The 4th of July

And the County Fair. 

Baby Oops has been in 4-H for years. Since the 2nd grade. I was in 4-H as a child also. I stayed in all through school. I met my first husband at a 4-H competition. He was in Dairy Judging and I was in Horticultural Sciences. He was 16 and I was 14. We dated all through high school and eventually married. We were married for almost 20 years. This was before O Wise One. So tonight O Wise One decided he would take Baby O and a neighbor boy to the fair to enroll their projects.

Baby O took photography and entered these 3 pictures. 

I love the lighting on this day lily!

And a shadow shot of purple cone flowers

And like her mother she has an infatuation with the neighbors goat.

And she took cooking. These chocolate covered coconut candies are delicious. It is an old recipe from her great grandmother. I spent yesterday translating the recipe for her. Such as what Oleo is. And why paraffin is mixed with chocolate. Exactly what a bar of paraffin is. And what Eagle Brand milk is and why coconut used to just come in a can and what the measurement equivalent of that is nowadays : ) Anybody know ? It is 1 and 1/3 cups. That was before everything came in a bag!   It kind of turned into a history cooking lesson. Gosh I feel old!

Check out these frog cupcakes she made. How cute is that?

And for Arts and Crafts she made these cute wooden Christmas ornaments...

O Wise One has to get into the picture too so he helped her make a wren box to go with the squirrel house and bat house and duck box they have made in recent years. These projects were all for Conservation Frontiers projects. She has won state awards for her knowledge of animal habitats and conservation.

I got dibs on the wren house when they are done!

And we can't forget she and O Wise One and their bug collections. They have 4 boxes of these things in my house ! And then after all that is judged on Wednesday she will sing in the talent contest and she also has to work the concession stand to help raise money for her club.

And on Thursday she and Daddy will be there bright and early for the youth archery shoot. She won 2nd in the county last year. I thought O Wise One would burst with pride.

And we continue to add to her wall! 

In the mean time O Wise One will be standing guard to keep her away from the dairy barns : )

Who knew?

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. The fair is so much fun! Good job on all those fair entries Baby O! And it sounds like OWO worked just as hard;) We are lucky and have 2 county fairs in our little community. Everybody here came home with lots of ribbons and good memories too.

  2. She's a lovely young lady. I'm sure you're very proud of her and her talents. I hope she does very well at the fair with her entries. I love the first photo of the flower and the candies sound yummy!

  3. Congratulations and good luck to her! The pictures are great. :)


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