
Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Yesterday was a day of kitchen work. O Wise one went to the woods to see if he could find me some gooseberries. Unfortunately the birds and animals had beat me to them but he did find lots of blackberries. Not those little blackberries either but big juicy plump blackberries. While he was gone I made a stew in the crockpot and with the left over carrots I grated them and made morning glory muffins.  Full of raisins and grated apples and carrots and coconut. Yum!

When O Wise One returned I cleaned the blackberries and washed them.  He had a nice little batch and said there was plenty more back there. They were really nice and plump from all the rain.

Made blackberry jam with them and had a few left over which went in the freezer for another day.

Looks like I will have to plant me some gooseberry bushes to get gooseberries.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. The blackberries look great! :)

  2. Aren't those berries beautiful!!

    Are you going to share your recipe for Morning Glory Muffins? They sound so good....anything for coconut!!


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