
Friday, June 25, 2010

Vegetable Garden 2010

Well it has been a challenging year with a late winter, spring torrential rains, floods, tornadoes and now with temperatures in the triple digits in June. God had definitely not lost his sense of humor. However through it all we have continued to garden. Getting up at 5:30 am to weed in the early morning to beat the heat index yesterday of 108. Replanting the beans twice and also the corn after rains washed them out. Fighting the rabbits during one of the worse rabbit infestations we have ever had. Indeed it has been a year for the record books. 

Hopefully we are now through the worse. The Broccoli and green onions safely in the freezer. The cabbage fermenting in it's crock until ready to put in jars. The large bulb onions continuing to grow larger. The mustard greens already in jars safely tucked on the pantry shelves. The lettuce has bolted and any remaining has been fed to the chickens. The peas are done and have been pulled and composted their rings will now house successive planting of cucumbers. The spring crops are completed and we now concentrate on the summer and fall harvests. The Kandy Corn above has done well after having to be replanted.

The potatoes continue to grow and we keep pulling soil up around them. These are red potatoes and are not blooming yet. We also have white potatoes in the second garden that are already blooming. I like to put the red potatoes up in jars as new potatoes!

The blackberry crop will be heavy. It looks like we will have lots of jam and cobbler next year. This is the Doyle blackberry and I cannot say enough good things about it. Very heavy producer....

Banana peppers already. They are already loving the heat right now.

Crop 1 of cucumbers. We are planting vines every 3 weeks successively to extend the harvest into the fall. Lots of tomato and cucumber salads and pickles hopefully.

This is my first time ever growing bush sweet potatoes. So far so good.

Louisiana Red Beans are loaded.

Lots of Tomato blooms and a few tomatoes. Will be awhile before we are eating tomatoes.

Looks like my summer will be full of canning. 

Blessings from the Holler

The Canned Quilter  


  1. Your garden is amazing! Hope you're all feeling well. Have a blessed weekend! :)

  2. You've been amazingly busy! Wow!

  3. Great looking garden!! I wish mine looked as neat and weed free as yours.


  4. Your garden is wonderful! I put lunch bags with the bottom cut off over my plants, it keeps the rabbits away. Love the picture of all the can goods, makes the winter months special.

  5. Beautiful!! I did not see a single weed either!!!!! I can send you plenty if you need them!!


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