
Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Dream of Daisies

“The splendor of the rose and the whitness of the lily do not rob the little violet of it’s scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its lovliness.”

To me nothing symbolizes summer more than the daisy in all it's forms. Always reliable and easy to grow requiring almost no care. I love to cut them and mix them in bouquets for the house with my roses. 

Above the daisy like flowers of the cultivated form of Black Eyed Susan have volunteered in this bed for years now. Reseeding and coming back year after year from the seeds purchased long ago. The blossoms are indeed huge and I like the way they look against the blue Veronica.

Even the native Black Eyed Susans are blooming now along the country roads and in the fence rows. I think no country gravel road is complete without these and the wild oxeye daisy above.   

And the Daisy like blooms of the Purple Cone Flower or Echinacea. This is a favorite of the butterflies and later the seed heads are devoured by the finches.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter 


  1. Your posts rock! =)

  2. Very lovely. Thanks for sharing these photos with us. :)

    Haha. My word verification was perch. Wish we had caught some today. :)

  3. Very pretty. I love the daisies too!

  4. Very lovely!! I love daisies too. Robin's favorite flower is daisies and she had them in her wedding she even hand beaded them on her dress!!

    9 years ago when we first bought this house, I purchased a start of the "Becky" daisy. I showed it to the family and I said "This is going to be one big a** daisy!" I was right....Becky is beautiful, big fat and self seeds at a nice rate too. Doesn't take over like my black eyed susan's have!! Looks like the same daisy that you have here!!


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