
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Updates !

Not alot going on here in The Holler. Don't ya love it. May has indeed turned nasty with  temperatures in the thirties and torrential rains and heavy winds. I guess Kansas really got hit last night and the wind damage in Kansas City looked pretty bad on the news this morning. We got lots of rain, at least 3 inches and flood warnings are out. Hail too! About the size of peas but it could be worse.  I took pictures before the storms and since it continues to rain I'll just share those.

The Rugosa Roses continue to bloom. And below the irises are blooming in wild abandon. I imagine with the wind and hail that these are no longer standing but they were beautiful while they lasted.

The peonies are almost ready to open.

The little chicks are starting to crow in the mornings. They sound terrible and it is so funny. They will attempt to crow and then look so proud of themselves. One of these lucky little lads shall go in with the 8 virgins in the big chicken pen. Maybe we should have a lottery to choose the lucky little devil : )

On the oven front my oven continues not to work. The repairman is here as we speak attempting for the 3rd time to fix it without replacing that $500 motherboard. I contacted Whirlpool who sent me an email that considering my oven was 6 years old that I was on my own as far as repairs. They would however give me 15% off to buy a new Whirlpool, Maytag or Amana. They make all 3. The repairman seems to think he can repair the motherboard and it is on my counter being repaired as we speak.I shall keep you all abreast on all ongoing developments with the stove.

O Wise One has made rounds this morning and has announced that one of the 5 baby robins did not make it through the storm last night and is dead at the bottom of the tree. A moment of silence please.  We have watched these ugly little fellows from the time they were eggs. Mother nature can indeed be cruel sometimes.  May he/she rest in peace in that big bird nest in the sky : )

I am retiring now to that big chair upstairs to finish binding my quilt that just came off the frame and listen to the rain hit the metal roof. The puppies will sprawl out on the couch and guard mama against all outside foes. We know how dangerous The Holler can be. Maybe I shall occasionally doze off if I am lucky!

Graci comes to visit grandma after school and we are almost finished with her little quilt as well. I shall have pictures of all soon.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Hope some of the flowers will survive. And good luck on your stove! It's sad how low Whirlpool has fallen. :/
    Maybe let the chicks draw bread sticks or something. :)
    Enjoy your visit with your granddaughter!

  2. Your flowers are beautiful. I hope they survived the storms. I absolutely love the smell of peonies! I think it's my favorite springtime smell!

  3. Your white rose is so pretty!

    I sure do hope you get your oven fixed without too many more problems (or money)! A six year old oven shouldn't be breaking down or obsolete -- I don't care WHAT Whirlpool is telling you.

    Home Comfort, Crawford, Elmira....those cast iron stoves have been around for more than a century and they still work. Maybe these circuit boards shouldn't be put into stoves (that's my take on it, at least). Besides, most serious/real cooks need or want is the basic temperature gauge. I keep pointing to a brick wall in our family room which is right next to our kitchen, saying, "This is where I want my cast iron stove!" He's realizing we'll become the proud owners of one once he puts a dedicated flue up. Poor guy doesn't stand a chance once my mind is made up! lol

  4. Beautiful!!! I hope you didn't much damage from the storms. We got a very hard rian last night but it didn't last very long. I haven't been out to assess the damage as of yet. No hail tho!!:)

    I want to see that quilt!!


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