
Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday Quilting

Every Thursday since January my granddaughter Graci comes to grandmas house after school and works on her quilt. For part of her Christmas present I gave her a big box full of flannel material and batting and my time every Thursday as part of her present. So on Thursday she rides the bus to my house and of course grandma always has a treat baked and we work. 

We cut out squares of flannel and batting. She sewed them together and learned not only how to work with fabric but how to handle the sewing machine. Both valuable lessons for her future I am hoping. She got really comfortable on the Singer and was buzzing by the end of the quilt.  

And yesterday she finished her Rag Quilt. Sadie the Wonder Pup tried it out and declared it a success. It went to school with her today for show and tell. The last show and tell of the school year.

Graci has decided that we are going to keep up our Thursday dates and she is going to work on the farm with Grandma every Thursday. She  especially wants to pick the blackberries : )  She and O Wise One are negotiating wages and maybe she will take Oreos ( her favorite after blackberries) as payment. So looks like Graci will be shelling beans, and picking corn and making jelly every Thursday at Grandma's.   

I think Grandma will be planting more blackberries. With more grand kids coming I may need them : )

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. What a gift! Beautiful job.

    The memories will be the best.

  2. Aaaawwwhhhh!! What a great job!! I am sure those kids in her class were impressed byt this too!!!

    I gotta get me some Oreos so I can get my grandkids over here this summer too!!!!

  3. How awesome! I bet you're the best quilting teacher ever! =D


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