
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Unlike many other online activities Blogging has been such a fun activity for me personally. I have met some great people, learned things that I would have never thought of otherwise and both gotten and shared some great ideas. Hickery Holler Farm was recently presented the Liebster Blog Award by Kathy Felsted Usher over at the Moving On To The Past Blog SpotTo quote Kathy:

The origins of the award are somewhat unclear but the general consensus is that it originated in Germany, Liebster meaning favorite or dearest, to showcase bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. Upon accepting the award the recipient must then pass it on to five more blogs of note.
Here are the rules:

1- Choose FIVE up and coming blogs to award the Liebster to. Blogs must have less than 200 followers.
2- Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3- Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites.

Well it just thrill me that someone took the time to recognize this small blog but am so grateful for the love and appreciation.  Thank you again Kathy! This was a hard decision for me because I read so many different blogs on gardening, quilting, sewing and canning along with self sufficiency blogs that I just want to recommend everyone. So in the spirit that this blog award was given I will pass it along to these 5 people.

Survival Kitchen is a wonderful blog about living in and renovating a 100 year old house, cooking canning and just plain good living.

Freedom Acres Farm is another great blog with subjects such as gardening, cooking homeschooling and good clean rural living.

Providence Acres is another small blog all about organic food, frugal living, and rural skills. Wine making, herbs and cooking are my faves.

Woodridge Farms is also a small farm blog. Lots of gardens,goats, quilting, cooking and canning. Just a great all around site located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Ozark Mountain Family is a homesteading and self sufficiency blog located in the Ozark Mountains of Southern Missouri. Lots of gardening, livestock, canning and cooking located in a beautiful area.

You can find all 5 of these blogs on my sidebar and I read them regularly also.

Thanks again Kathy and I hope you enjoy visiting all of them.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Congratulations on the award, CQ. :-)

  2. Thank you so much for awarding me the Liebster. It is so hard to pick just 5 isn't it - so many good ones!! I am honored that you find mine among your favorites. I've kind of had blogger block lately. Thanks again for the award!

  3. Thank you very much! I will have a tough time choosing myself...there are some really good ones out there and not enough time in the day to read them all! Yours is one I make time for though, I especially like the ones from those that are near me. Thank you again!


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