
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dreaming Of Green Grass And Gardens

Dreaming of green grass and gardens indeed. The seed catalogs have arrived. They started in November and there has been a steady stream in the  mailbox in the last week or so. Just in time for the dead of winter with not a blade of green in sight. And long dreary overcast days spent pining over the array of colored flowers and those succulent vegetables and fruit. It's like teasing a toddler with a lollipop. Like offering ice water in the middle of the dessert. I'll be making my list and checking it twice.

Who's your favorite seed company?  

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. I like the Baker Creek seed company for their organic, open pollinated seeds. Your header photo is so nice. Love the very neat garden.

  2. Remember going through the Sears Christmas catalog as kid? That's how I feel when the seed catalogs start arriving! But I don't usually order much, since I save my own seeds. It's still great fun, though!

  3. I guess since all we've been buying is trees for the farm, I'd have to say Stark Brothers. I've had real good luck with our trees from them so far.
    Once we get closer to moving, I think I'd like to go organic and open pollinated.
    And learn how to have neat rows like yours. My garden's never look like that.

  4. Oh they have arrived and then some here :O). I have already got the seeds I ordered. I have two pkgs left I want to get for pumpkins. Hoping they do well so I can can up a bunch. I always so enjoy seeing what your garden is doing it just amazes me. Here in Texas we are a bit ahead of you up there. I plant my tomato seedling seeds this next weekend. Pepper seedling seeds to follow quick like. Onion sets area already being put in the garden by those that plant them.. Cabbages etc. will be going in the ground real quick.

    Baker Creek, Burpee and Henry Fields got my seed orders this year.

  5. Wish we could start planting in MO this early like Texan can. I have purchased seed from lots of companies but by far my favorite is Seed Savers Exchange in Iowa. Their prices are very reasonable. Google them.


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