
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Am A Soap Maker

I did it! I made Soap.......

I love learning new things, even at my age. Better late than never right...

Above is my goat's milk soap made with lard and coconut oil, the lard produced and rendered right on this farm. 

It has chamomile flecks and a light grapefruit fragrance. 

This is an olive oil and coconut oil based soap with a coconut and lemon grass scent. It smells light, fresh  and heavenly.  I'm pretty well hooked on this soapmaking thing. I could enjoy making soap in the winter and make enough to last my family all summer. 

Just beginner soaps nothing fancy. I collected the supplies through out the year as they went on sale. A mixing wand, some essential and fragrance oils here and there, many at a reduced price. I saved milk cartons as molds. And most importantly I researched, I watched videos and tutorials and I learned. For a mold I just recycled some cardboard milk cartons. I made this cold pour and still have enough goats milk for one more batch in the freezer. Thanks Terri at Our Crazy Farm for the goats milk recipe and the tutorial.   

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. That's awesome! and I know what you mean bout the age thing, we're never too old to learn things. I just wish I had learned canning at a much younger age so that I didn't do the catch up to fill the pantry thing.

    Even though it's not the fancy stuff, it sure sounds fancy enough to me. I wish I could smell them.

  2. Beautiful. Our soap was always just poured in a pan and then sliced.

    I would have thought you were a soap maker for many years. Now, you can add one more thing to your many talents.

  3. Yay! You did it! Easy-Peasy wasn't it?? They are beautiful! Now that you've started making your own soap you won't be able to go back to the store bought. But watch out~ it is an addictive hobby:)))

  4. That's fantastic, CQ. Congratulations!

    I'd like to try making my own soap, but I know myself and I am fairly sure having lye around would be a bad thing.

    So, I am quite happy to buy American and get my home made soap from others. :-)

    I think 'nothing fancy' is perfect. :-)

  5. I tried making soap before I started freaking out about the lye! Good for you. I love homemade soap but usually settle for Trader Joe's. They have a nice, seems like homemade soap.

  6. Looks like you did a wonderful job!

  7. Congratulations! I hope to do this some day. I need to figure out where locally to purchase the lye, oh, and goat's milk.

  8. Wow, I'm terribly impressed with you!!! I thought about doing this for about 10 seconds and realized that I'd probably just make a huge mess. You really should be proud of yourself.

  9. Looks great! The scent sounds wonderful:)

    I love to make soap. I made loads of it last year and we still haven't run out, except of the favorites--guess I'd better get on it!

  10. I also learned how to make soap, not fancy but we are clean. Then I learned how to make candles, the house smells wonderful!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  11. Thank you for posting this. I am wanting to make my own soap without palm oil and it is almost impossible to find palm oil free soap. Deforestation for palm oil plantations is one of the main reasons orangutan's are endangered. You can read more here:


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