
Monday, January 2, 2012

The Eagles Are Back

 Every year the eagles return to the area about the same time as the geese. Some usually remain in the area and can be spotted in the tree line and foraging on the various carcasses of dead animals such as deer that have been hit  lying in the fields roadside.
Here in Hickery Holler we keep a pair of binoculars in the dining room window to watch these beautiful birds in the tree line. 
Of course we always have plenty of these fellows around. Which is why I have netting on top of not only the chicken yard but also the turkey run.
People often ask if we get bored living so far in the country. What they don't know is that Mother Nature goes out of her way to keep us entertained.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter 


  1. Oh, to have regular visits from Eagles...what a thrill.

    We had two one severe winter, magnificent creatures. We are far from the river so seeing them here means they are ranging far to feed.

    Nothing beats the beauty of Mother Nature.

  2. I have an Eagle living in the valley here at my new place. It takes my breath to watch him fly. They are amazing. I love watching the hawks too, but they just don't compare with the Eagle.

  3. You are definitely blessed. :-)

  4. I love the sight of the owl. I see very few here in southern Iowa and I miss having the one around that use to nest in our tree line. The other bird I miss that I haven't heard for years is the whipoorwill. One of the places we lived in this area, one would be outside our bedroom window in the oak tree every evening. It is good to know the owls are numerous in your area.

  5. You got some great pictures- what a blessing.

  6. Quote: People often ask if we get bored living so far in the country. What they don't know is that Mother Nature goes out of her way to keep us entertained.

    Ain't that the truth!!

    We don't have tv reception (by choice) and we have "channels" we watch - the children channel, the cats channel, the chicken channel, One of us chopping wood channel, wildlife channel, gardening channel, etc. When we had goats and rabbits we had two more channels. LOL


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