
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Injuries...

We are finishing out the year with a bang here in Hickery Holler. We all have the flu. Baby O went into the local high school on the last day to interview the English teacher. It was part of her career planning class assignment. While there of course all her girlfriends that she hadn't seen lately had to hug her. Thus she came home and within 48 hours had the flu. Of course passing it along to first me and then her father.

So we celebrated Christmas here with the flu. I put a baking hen in the crock pot on Christmas morning and had a frozen dressing in the freezer. Made some rolls and cooked a jar of green beans and made a blackberry pie with a jar of my blackberry pie filling and that was Christmas dinner. The next day the leftover chicken and broth became chicken soup again in the crock pot.

Then I sat in my chair to mend Baby O's Christmas stocking which I made before she was born. It had a few missing sequins etc after 16 years of hard use. The phone rand and I got up to answer it.

The sewing scissors were sitting in my lap and when I stood up the scissors fell impaling my foot. Needless to say I bled like a stuck hog. Baby O had to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. Only I can hurt myself sewing in a chair. So now on top of the flu I am hobbling around with an injured foot. Sure hope this isn't a sign of times to come !

Blessings from The Holler 

The Canned Quilter  


  1. Oh, my! You are having a tough time. I'm so sorry!

    Hang in there, a new year is coming!

  2. Ughh, sorry ya'll got sick & for your injury.. no fun at all.

    I've been suffering with a butt load of pain and I'm hoping it means the New Year will be filled with Happiness, Good Health, Prosperity AND NO PAIN ;)

  3. Oh CQ, I'm sorry y'all are sick and that you injured your foot. Sounds like something I'd do with the scissors. Dh says I'm accident prone.

    btw, I love the new header of your blog!! So perty and country feeling.

    Hope you and the family are feeling better soon!



  4. Aw, *hugs* God bless you all. Hope you all get well soon. ♥

  5. Oh my, you poor things. Maybe you can have a do over dinner sometime. Stay warm, be safe, have a great New Year.


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