
Friday, December 30, 2011

A Bad Feather Day

Remember our determined hen turkey that hid her nest and hatched a late batch of babies. O Wise One took her and the chicks and put them in a brooder under a heat lamp to keep them warm and safe because of the cold temperatures so late in the year. Last week a 4-H member came and bought the babies for his project next year so mama turkey went back in the turkey run with the other adult turkeys.

She immediately lost all her feathers. Talking about a bad feather day. We think it was from being under the heat lamp. Thank goodness we don't have snow or really cold temperatures right now. O Wise one put some extra straw in the turkey house for her.

As you can see she is already getting her pin feathers back. If it gets cold I may have to make the poor thing a sweater. 

Blessings from The Holler 

The Canned Quilter


  1. Oh my, a nekkid turkey! LOL Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. And I have added you to my blog list!

  2. If you put a sweater on her, you will HAVE to post pictures of that! LOL

  3. That is way too funny..I vote to see the sweater!


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