
Friday, September 16, 2011

Yikes! First Frost

I guess Fall is truly up on us and I might say that it has caught us with our pants down (so to speak). We got our first frost warnings Wednesday night. Normally we start getting frosts in October but with a garden still producing and flowers still on the bush Jack Frost has paid us a visit. So for the last two days we have scramble to pick produce and clean out the garden. Many crops such as sweet potatoes and pumpkins will be harder to keep if frost hits the vine. They will not keep as well and rot.

Okra was sliced and breaded before being put in Vacuum bags and frozen.

 Made some more Gummi worms with yellow squash even.

Roasted pear and plum tomatoes and froze. I froze the large tomatoes that were ripe and will cook them down all together when the work slows down a bit.

I found celery on sale at the grocery for 84 cents a bunch so I bought three and dehydrated. These work great in cooking and I am not a huge celery eater so this small jar will last me forever ! Still have lots of peppers to contend with and still digging potatoes. So with Baby Hank coming for the weekend while his parents go away for their anniversary looks like my weekend will be full.

Lots of mowing and leaf raking and mulching. The garden will be stripped and rabbit manure spread over it and disked in.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe weekend.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Wow. Do you bread your okra with cornmeal? And how do you roast your tomatoes? Just bake for a bit at 350?
    Do you use them for soups and stews and chili?
    Sorry for all the questions.

  2. Too early for frost!!! Our garden is still going, too. A frost now would be a mess.

  3. How do you make gummy worms with squash?


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