
Saturday, September 3, 2011

My House Smells Wonderful

Could it be the apple sauce simmering on the stove emitting the wonderful smell of apples and sugar and cinnamon? These were a gift from a friend. Our apples here are not ready yet.

Or maybe the apple chips in the dehydrator sprayed with lemon juice and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon? I made these last year and put them in jars with oxygen absorbers. They lasted wonderfully and are sweet and crunchy. This was a definite success.

And if that wasn't enough the smell of roasted tomatoes with olive oil, garlic powder and basil and Italian herbs is wonderful ! This is a first for me but my oldest daughter LOVES sun dried tomatoes so I am giving these a try.  I am not sure how I will use them but I will just have to experiment. Life is about always learning. When you quit learning you die : )

This holiday weekend is turning out to be a very busy one with a welcome home party last night for a friend's son who just returned from the military.

Tonight my oldest daughter Fred and family are having a fish fry that we were invited to. I am busy now preparing potluck dishes to contribute.

Then tomorrow afternoon we are making our annual trek to the balloon derby to watch the balloons land at dusk. It is just beautiful.

And we are mixing in studying because Baby O has her first test on one of her gifted classes on Tuesday.

And on top of that the cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, zucchini and okra are stacking up. I may never see daylight again in the canning department. So don't be surprised if I taper off a bit on the blogging for a few days.

Love to hear what everyone else is canning right now!

Hope your holiday weekend is wonderful and safe.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. I'm so ready for those beautiful fresh fall apples. My house smelled good yesterday; made apple butter in my crockpot! So easy to make and I could eat it right out of the jar with a spoon. Of course it's better on a hot, homemade biscuit! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Had to laugh because here I was just complaining about learning all these new tv channels from switching satellite companies and then I read "When you quit learning you die". Gave myself a good laugh :) Thanks for that!
    P.S. I so wish I had enough apples to make homemade sauce! I had 2 plum trees planted this year, so hopefully in a few years I will be able to can plum butter :) Need more land for the apple trees though.

  3. The garden has fully blessed us in every department. Food is stacked every where waiting for preparation. We are blessed.

  4. It all looks wonderful to me. Enjoy the balloons and good luck to Baby O! :)


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