
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Morning Visits

One of the things I have missed most being without a computer for the last couple weeks was my morning visit. That time in the early morning when the house is quiet and everyone is still in bed. That time when I can curl up in my big computer chair with a cup of hot tea with honey and visit with my friends. Many times that is the only time I have on the computer all day especially during canning season. I have missed my visits with all of you on your blogs. It seems there is so much to catch up on.

Remember "Baby O" and "Fred" my daughters were going to Los Angeles for Baby O to compete in National FCCLA competition. Well she got a silver in Nationals and we couldn't be prouder!

As you can see her sister was there to cheer her on as she received her silver medal.

Then the girls did some touring and of course ended up shopping.

I told Fred this was her Scarlett O' Hara pose...... Oh Rhett ! 

And of course they toured the local attractions

Met all the Who's Who !

Fred got to fulfill a life long dream and see the Lucille Ball star. She is Lucy's biggest fan and has been since a very small child. I think these two sisters had the time of their lives and I am so glad they were able to have this time together.

                                    Nothing like sisters, wish I would have had one : )

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Now, that was a trip of a lifetime!!!! I hope they have hundreds of photos.

    Those smiles are real and very beautiful. I can hear the pride in your words and it is well deserved. Congratulations, Baby got some 'splainin' to do!

  2. So sweet. What was the competition for? Thanks for sharing. Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves.

  3. How fantastic! Congratulations to Baby O!

  4. YEA you are back! Congrats to Baby 0 on the silver medal. Fun trip for the girls. Remember God gave you on line sisters! So far I have some corn done and enjoying beans and tomatoes from our little garden. Have a blessed day!

  5. Congrats to her on the medal! <3

  6. Congratulations to Baby O, that was a feat to be proud of...We all missed you too..


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