
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Bounty Of Frost

It seems as if every weather pattern of the season bring some sort of bounty when you know where to look and how to prepare it. Here at Hickery Holler is no different. The early spring rains and warmer weather bring the mushrooms. The first frost and cooler weather bring the walnuts and pecans. And every year about October the frost returns. We work frantically to harvest any remaining warm weather crops that have languished in the gardens such as the tomatoes and peppers.  

The green tomatoes are brought into the house to ripen and eat as the last delicacies of summer. But every year for a short length of time we enjoy the delights of a good plate or two of fried green tomatoes. Not a dish we eat every day but a nice change from the standard ways that we consume the tomato harvest. Sometimes I will can tomato relish or make green tomato mincemeat pie filling but since I still have some left over from last year that I canned I will instead concentrate on canning pumpkin, squash and sweet potatoes this fall for pies. So we brought in only a small amount of tomatoes and will feed the remaining to the pigs.   

I slice my tomatoes and simply dip them in a wash of milk and egg and then flour. Then dip them again in the milk wash and then flour again.

Then dropped into a cast iron skillet with a little oil of choice and allowed to brown on both sides. 

 Once browned they are removed from the skillet and allowed to cool and drain on paper towels and served warm with a side of homemade tomato ketchup. 

And on this day served with some breaded pork tenderloin sandwiches. And if you don't want to fry them they can be rolled in cracker crumbs and baked in the oven. But today we fried these as a treat for supper on a cold and windy October evening.  

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. This is one of my favorite end of summer dishes.

  2. CQ- I was wondering if you had ever canned sliced green tomatoes, ready for frying? I was thinking of trying this recipe, but since I am a New Englander I am less than an expert on fried green tomatoes, lol!


  3. That looks & sounds sooo good. Makes me hungry.

  4. Oh my gosh, were coming to your place!!! Yum!!!

  5. Looks YUMMY ! I have never had this before . Save some for me please lol ! Have a wonderful day !

  6. looks yummy! FYI...for anybody that has an abundance of green tomatoes- If you store them in a cardboard flat w/ an apple they will ripen. :)

  7. Oh how I love fried green tomatoes! Yours look just wonderful. :)

  8. We love ours slices rolled in cracker crumbs, drizzled with melted butter then topped with some parmesan cheese. Then this is baked, and eaten with whatever you'd like to put with it.


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