
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Fever

With the warm sun shining on Fonzie the Bourbon Red turkey's back and the promise of spring in the air he is strutting for his ladies. He is quite the magnificent fellow. I think nothing in the barnyard is more magnificent than a male turkey in full strut. Prancing around the barnyard, stepping high and calling his ladies.

It's quite a show  with him fluffed up all the time and gobbling and there is lots of breeding going on out there!

Hoping for lots of baby turkeys in our future!

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. They are beautiful! I would love some are they hard to take care of? I have chickens do you have to keep them separately? Love your post.

    1. Yes it is best to keep them separate : ) As far as care they are about the same as keeping chickens..

  2. So cool! I've never seen anything other than wild turkeys in person. (I won't count the grocery store variety We do have a lot of wild turkeys in this area though.

    1. We have wild turkeys as well which is why we keep these turkeys behind a strong fence with a top on it, the wild turkeys could very easily entice the domestic ones to join their flock : )

  3. I love our Bourbon Reds! Our main "man", Fred, has been putting on quite the show lately. The "ladies" have been swooning over him! I love the name of your tom...very appropriate! :)

  4. If I had feathers like that I'd strut too!

  5. Oh my gosh, he is sooo gorgeous! I've never seen a better looking turkey, but then I haven't seen many. He is one I would surely like to see in person. I hope you have lots of baby turkeys so I can see pictures of them.

  6. Bet there will be lots of little turkeys to come :O)...he is quite the looker :O)

  7. Your turkeys are absolutely beautiful!!


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