
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Storing Lettuce And Produce.

 I am sure like most I struggle with keeping my produce fresh once I get it home.They now make produce bags...they don't work. You name it and I have tried it until now. Somewhere I saw a post on keeping lettuce and such in mason jars in your fridge and I am here to tell you. IT WORKS!  I bought this lettuce for tacos on January 2. Plans changed and I washed and dried it good in my salad spinner and put it in these jars. January 16th and I took some out and I swear it looks and tastes just like when I put it in.

Works with these too. I like keeping them in these jars and with a small container of ranch dip beside them I find that they are much more likely to be eaten if they are ready to eat with no work. Healthy snacks ready to go with no work involved.

Here's a site on it where she actually seals the jars with her food saver. I don't seal mine but it still stays really fresh for a long time.

Salad In A Jar

Try keeping your lettuce in jars and see how it works for you.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. This is nice!!! I struggle with the green bags, wrapping towels around it, trying to repackage and nothing keeps it from spoiling. If I use your jars it can be ready for the salad bowl too! Love it.

  2. Well, what do you know...never heard of or saw it but am definitely gonna try. thanks

  3. I don't have a salad spinner. I usually let mine drain on a paper towel. But I do like the glass jar idea. I may give it a try. Being a novice, when I bought my jars, I bought some refrigerator lids (plastic screw on things), so I will probably try with that and see what happens.

    Thanks for the tip, CQ! :)

  4. Thanks for this tip. I'm definitely going to try it!

  5. I will give this a try. I hardly even buy lettuce cause it's only Farmer Hubby & I and it goes to waste if plans change or we don't eat salad every night. I'll also have to check into a salad spinner, like lindag I just let it sit.

    Now I'll go check out that site. Thank you!

  6. Well this is sure a good idea. One thing I have is jars! I will try this. My main fresh veggie item I seem to have to watch not to waste is Celery!

  7. That sounds like a neat trick...I usually wrap my lettuce with damp paper towels and then put it into a cloth towel..I do my celery that way too and it seems to keep longer..

  8. I will sooo be trying this-thank you! I hate it when lettuce gets yucky : )

  9. What a fabulous tip---I am soooo glad you shared this with us!

  10. Thank you so much for the tip. I have plenty of canning jars to place the lettuce in.

  11. This reminded me of my grandma... she used to put her "perfect" strawberries in jars (without washing them)and they would last for MANY DAYS in the fridge while she used up the less perfect ones first. Thank you for the memory!

  12. Thank you for sharing this money saving tip!

  13. I heard a while back about wrapping celery in aluminum foil, and putting in fridge. It stays fresh forever.

  14. Do you put them in water or dried in the jars?


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