
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday Morning

The daisies are blooming. Nothing says summer like daisies and I love them.

This week has been a scorcher here in north Missouri. The temperatures have hovered in the mid nineties with humidity levels making it feel at least 100. We have been rising about 5:00 am every morning to get our morning work done before the heat gets oppressive. We have tried to do all our picking first thing before anything has a chance to wilt and get it inside and cool.  

And of course Thursday was the hottest day of the week and our air conditioning went out. Is that Murphy's law or what? So we spent all day Thursday waiting for the repairman only to have him come and not even take ten minutes to change out a part. It seems that there is some sort of surge protector and with all the high electric usage we must have received a surge that blew this protector out. Thus shutting down the unit.  All is back to functioning now. We had noticed the light kind of flickering but never thought anything of it.

Although I grew up without air conditioning it sure is nice and I will admit I am spoiled. I do try to keep it to a minimum and open the windows when it is cool. But when temperatures get like this that Air conditioner goes on!

It has been a full week just with the normal chores and O Wise one and I had a barbecue Friday afternoon for a couple of friends visiting. Just the normal burgers, corn on the cob, baked beans and strawberry shortcake for desert.   I made some deviled eggs to take to a church function and how cute is this tray. It belonged to O Wise One's mother. The little chickens in the middle are a salt and pepper shaker.

This morning I am doing laundry and as I wait for the laundry to dry on the line I have a  five gallon bucket of peas to shell. The second one! These will be blanched and frozen. And peas still hanging on the vine. I will not complain at all but rather be thankful for our bounty. Boy I sure am tired though.....those 5 am mornings are a killer. 

When Baby O was little she would walk around all the time with a pocket of these to eat raw. You have never tasted sweet peas until you taste them fresh from the garden and raw.

When I get finished with the peas I hope to have time to make a batch of strawberry jam.

So as you see my weekend of canning is planned. I'll try to check in on Monday and hope everyone has a great weekend.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Love that little dish! So cute! What a wonderful garden harvest~ our garden is just coming up and we are anxiously waiting to pick the first goodies.

  2. What a cute little deviled egg dish, what a nice treasure to inherit :o) Those are som healthy looking peas, and that bucket full sure is impressive :o)..and strawberries too ...I'd love to sit at that table, Yummy!

  3. That is the cutest dish! I thought you were in SOUTHERN Missouri! I can't believe you have so much blooming already!

  4. Hubby and I love those peas fresh, too. We eat them by the handfuls. :)
    Murphy never knows when to take a break, but I'm glad to hear it was something simple. :)
    I love the serving tray, too. So appropriate. ♥

  5. Hi! I came upon your blog via The Deliberate Agrarian today. It is funny, because I am also from southern Louisiana, married to an Iowan. I love to cook gumbo and I am coaxing some okra in my garden now. We live in northern Missouri as well. You can find us at I am afraid that I don't blog very often, though. I am way busy with other things! Have a blessed day. Aimee

  6. Hot here too : ) And yes it's Murphy's law!

  7. I have that same devilled egg dish with the chickens in yellow! Found in an antique shop. The green is very lovely too. We also love our fresh peas. Raw peas are wonderful in my high opinion:)


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