
Sunday, April 3, 2011

That Whisper Of Spring

For us spring is truly here in Hickery Holler. It is not measured here by the squares and dates on a printed calendar but rather on the smells sounds and signs of the land around us. We desperately long for those fluffy white wispy clouds to replace the gray overcast of winter. We wait for the feel of the sun on our backs as we clean the garden and flower beds. We again hear the buzz of the bees as they work the blossoms of the daffodils with their yellow faces turned up to the sun. We feel the burn of those muscles too long unused over that long winter rest.

We mark spring by those blossoms coming back like old friends for another visit.

  The hyacinths.....


and Johnny Jump ups...

Spring is even marked in the pungent smell of fresh spread rabbit manure on a newly cleaned strawberry bed.

And the appearance again of the rhubarb...

We see the whisper of spring in the new leaves of the curly willow. The first to leaf out every year.

We hear spring in the flap of clean sheets flapping on the clothes line as they dry in the breeze.

And the yip of little black puppies as they again run through the green grass and sunshine chasing meadowlarks. The call of the bobwhite in the distance and the gobble of a tom turkey calling for his love just beyond the hill.

We smell spring as the smell of smoke hangs in the air from the fires of farmers burning their fields and pastures to get rid of the dead grass. Making way for a new crop of green grass. 

A ride through the gravel back roads welcomes the sight of the neighbors corn fields cultivated to turn under those old corn stalks to add organic matter back into the soil. The smell of freshly turned earth and the promise of new abundance. The sign of another crop and another year of planting and harvesting. The continuance of an age old cycle here on the prairies of the Midwest.

The doors again are opened to allow the fresh spring air into the house closed up all cold winter.

We hear spring in the cheep of fuzzy yellow chicks newly hatched fresh from our  incubator.

And the brown noses of those two pink piglets happily rooting with their little pink tails twitching in happiness .

We know that the weather will flip flop between the two seasons for at least a couple more weeks. But for today we glory in spring and sunshine and warmth. There are lots more plants to start next week. More beds to clean and fruit trees to prune and grape vines to fertilize. A mower to prepare for the start of mowing season and the list of spring chores are endless. But for today we will just go inside and take long hot baths to soak sore muscles and get to bed early for tomorrow is another busy day of chores. We give thanks for all that spring brings and mostly for what we have and each other.  Living simply and cleanly, praising God daily and loving each other truly and deeply. I may not post very often for a few weeks in order to catch up with chores but all is fine.

To all of you, our friends we bid you.......

Happy Spring 

Here from Hickery Holler

The Canned Quilter and O Wise One


  1. Happy Sunday to you all! See you when you can. :)

  2. Would you send some of that spring up North:))Again, I enjoyed all your pictures! Those new chicks are so cute!

  3. I think I've lost the two Rubarbs I planted last year :o( I'll wait a little longer. If I don't see any signs of it by the middle of April, then I wil have to think about replacing it .

  4. Thank you for sharing the pictures of the flowers! Please send a little warm weather North, I tired of hearing my furance run all the time.

  5. Love the pics. I think I finally got my 'can't comment' problem fixed! Spring is really upon us here in SC. The garden is sprouting out and the weather is turning beautiful. I think I'm so ready for spring. ...summer, not so much. ENJOYED the post!

  6. You are so awesome and your posts and pics rock!

  7. Great pictures! Aren't the violets beautiful this year? I think they are just the sweetest flowers and so welcome after the long winter!

    Love your screen door!


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