
Thursday, February 3, 2011

They Shall Always Come

I have always said that even if I were on another planet my kids would find a way to find me.

No matter what.

This is proof.........

In the aftermath of a blizzard.....we have not left home in 4 days......

the county road maintainer is broke down.

We can see it out the upstairs window.

Alas we hear a sound coming up the driveway.

Indeed that is my son in law there.

Coming up what used to be my driveway.

Good babysitters are hard to find : )


  1. Now thats funny.....oh not the snow but the baby sitter line :)

  2. I'm the primary care-giver for my grand-kids and grand-dogs....and YES my kids would move Heaven and Earth to get to me...because you are so right: a good babysitter is hard to find! Love your post!

  3. You've got a lot of snow! I'm glad they came looking for you.

  4. Cool-we are not dug out yet either-hopefully it will warm up so we can do battle with the snow this weekend

  5. Yep! the kids know where to go and how to get there :o) Neither rain nor sleet or dark of night..Can stay those kids from Mom :o)


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