
Saturday, February 26, 2011

February Ends

Another February draws to an end here in Hickery Holler. February of 2011 was indeed one for the record books beginning with a 100 year blizzard. We started the month snowed in and are finishing the month snowed in. Baby O could not go to school on Friday and due to weather conditions school was cancelled. The local weatherman says we have had 4 record breaking snowfalls this winter already. It is sleeting outside as I write this blog entry  but 60 degree weather is forecasted for tomorrow. So hopefully it will melt tomorrow only to snow again on Monday. What does this lead to? MUD !!

With a week or so of warmer weather we did manage to get some chores done around the farm. The grapes were cut back and the asparagus bed cleaned. The downside to that is now O Wise One is on bed rest and muscle relaxers due to a pulled muscle in his back. I did notice the first of the Daffodils breaking the surface of the soil last week.

February has been a roller coaster of events with my oldest granddaughter Julian turning 12 and my 8 month old grandson Hank cutting his first teeth, sitting up, crawling and now pulling up. "Fred", my oldest daughter, turns 27 next week. February also brought the addition of "Gypsy", our new Scottie girl. What a wonderful valentine present from O Wise One.  February also brought heartache with the death of 12 year old Trent at "Our Crazy Farm" blog site. We continue to send prayers their way and admire their faith.

We look forward to more good weather and are anxious for a little sunshine. March begins our seed starting every year and the beginning of cleaning the many flower beds. I do not cut back any ornamentals in the fall but rather let them freeze. Leaving the seed heads for the birds and I think the dead foliage helps to protect the roots during the winter. So early in the spring all those seed heads and litter must be cleaned away before they start to sprout.

March also brings my cancer screening. It has been 3 years since I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. This is always a stressful time for me until I get the outcome of those tests. So I ask you all to keep me in your prayers that I continue to be cancer free. 

For now I intend to enjoy my weekend and watch movies with my husband. Here's wishing you all a great weekend and an even better month of March.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter 


  1. I hope you get your warmth. God bless. ♥

  2. Sending prayers your way for a all clear on your screenings.
    Have a blessed Sunday

  3. I will keep you in my prayers. I love your blog, and will pray that you will be here blogging away for a long time to come. If you can please blow some of that warm weather my way!


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