
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Early Spring Chores

The snow here in Hickery Holler has receded temporarily. It is nice to see the grass again if only for a few days. With a few days of warmer temperatures we take the opportunity to get some early spring chores done. Starting with cleaning off the asparagus bed which is always the first vegetable to start producing. The old stalks are cut and burned and a fresh layer of rabbit poop is worked into the soil of the bed. We have also started extending the strawberry bed anticipating the arrival of 50 new strawberry plants to add to the existing ones.  The rhubarb will also be dig up this year and separated and replanted in a new bed. With the addition of grandchildren we have decided that if we want any strawberries for ourselves we are going to have to increase production. This year I also want to try making strawberry wine.

Although spring is not here yet we know that it is really only just around the corner and like everything else on the farm it requires some care  and preparation. Before you know it though we will be eating those fresh asparagus spears and strawberry shortcake.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. That is just show me those pictures while I am eating a sandwich!

  2. What strawberries will you plant?

    A million years ago when I lived in Albany, I discovered how good the Cavendish variety is. There has never been a better berry that I've ever tasted and they're so hard to find. =/


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