
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Solitude

What a weekend this has been! Friday Baby O got out from school at noon for teachers meetings and came home and took a nap. She and O Wise One were going to the local Homecoming football game friday night. Baby O's boyfriend was singing the National Anthem. She and said friend have known each other for several years because they have both done children's theatre although they do not go to the same school. They are both singers and both perform publicly often. After the ballgame O Wise One dropped off Baby O at the YMCA for a lock in for FCCLA. For those of my generation it is what we used to call FHA or Future Homemakers of America. I guess now they are not limiting themselves to homemaking! I on the other hand stayed home and bottled the peach wine.

 She had to be picked up the next morning at 6am and slept most of the morning. Saturday afternoon was a day of beauty and Baby's friend came over and helped her paint toe nails and fingernails and fix hair and makeup for Saturday Night Homecoming dance. We all know for 15 year old girls that this is a group activity.

Other daughter Fred and Mr Fred picked her up at 7 and delivered her to boyfriend's house for the dance while they went to a date night. Dinner and the movies! O Wise One and I actually had the house to ourselves and watched a movie : )

Told ya it was a busy weekend. Sunday morning Baby O and O Wise One went to a different church together for 4-H Sunday and Baby O was a guest performer and sang a solo of Amazing Grace. I on the other hand am exhausted and stayed home. After church Baby O is over at a friends farm working to earn money for the barn warming dance that the local FFA chapter that she is a member of is hosting. O Wise One has went fishing. I on the other hand am listening to old gospel music and catching up on some things around the house and spending the day at home.  For me a day of reflection and prayer, soothing gospel music and light chores.  I have put a venison stew in the crockpot. Will have with rice and leftover cornbread.

Started cooking down frozen tomatoes into sauce.


 Catching up on laundry so Baby O will have school clothes for next week and I will have my grandson Baby Hank next week. He is growing in leaps and bounds.

I am terribly upset because Riley the remaining of my Scotti dogs is sick and had to go to the vet. He mourns deeply for the loss of his mate still and just doesn't seem to be able to overcome his grief.  His health is deteriorating and the vet has found swollen lymph nodes and skin irritations or hotspots. He is just not his old self. I have been praying for him and do not think I could stand to lose him too!

I am also some what blue because Baby O got her first college recruitment brochure last week. After almost 35 years of raising kids I know the last one will be gone in just a matter of a couple years. Another adjustment in my life that seems overwhelming right now. I also ask everyone to pray for my friend Kelli. Her son is in the Army and leaves next week for Afghanistan. I am so worried for her as I can only guess at her concern. I too sent a son overseas. He was only injured once when he was violently beaten up while on leave. It seems in many countries that we are not very well loved. The world is a big and dangerous place for our babies. No one knows worry until you are the mother of a soldier. Keep Kelli in your prayers as I continue to pray for her peace.  She has been such a dear friend for over 25 years and her son almost seems like one of my own.  

So on this Sunday of solitude I am lifting all my problems to God.

Tomorrow is another week. There is tomato sauce to be put in jars tomorrow and babies to be tended. Pumpkin to be cooked and a puppy to be loved.

And maybe fresh fish!!!!

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. My goodness! you have had a busy household this weekend. Children grow up fast (when you don't need them to).Your Peach wine looks good, and I'd like to copycat those labels :o) for my own jars.
    I know about ill pets.. you worry over them like you do your children.
    Seems putting up tomatoes was my stuff for today.

  2. I pray that you found peace in your day of solitude and lifting things up to God. :D

  3. Hope you all have a blessed week. ♥

  4. Sounds like you have alot on your plate right now. Hope you got some rest yesterday. I hope everything will be ok with Riley. My prayers are with you!

  5. You are the most singularly loving person on the face of this planet. Thank you so much for being my friend.

    I hope Riley recovers soon.

    Ginormous hugs.

  6. You are an amazing woman. You are truly blessed with a big heart filled with love.

    I hope Riley is better soon.


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