
Monday, October 18, 2010

Dehydrating Apple Chunks

This is the end of the apple harvest for 2010. The last of the apples were picked and I chunked and dehydrated them with just a spray of lemon juice to keep them from browning. They will be used to make homemade instant apple cinnamon and honey oatmeal and also put into granola. They could also be used for muffins, bread or cake.  

We will miss having fresh apples to eat. O Wise One has buckets of apples in the shed still that are bruised and damaged when they blow off the tree that he will continue to feed to the chickens and rabbits until they are gone. We cannot leave them on the ground under the tree because they attract the deer who can damage the tree. 

For this winter though we have plenty of apple pie filling, apple sauce, apple syrup
and jelly. We also have dehydrated apple chips for snacking and dehydrated apple chunks so all in all we have had a wonderful harvest for which we are indeed thankful.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Mom and Grandma use to dry theirs on an old screen door in the sun with sacking over them...then stored them in old flour sacks.

  2. They look absolutely divine! All my apples were put in jars or the freezer, the few that I Dried werent that appealing to run to..Ginny


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