
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Old Dogs & Children & Watermelon Wine

The watermelon and cantaloupe are ripe. I have lots of watermelon to do something with in a hurry or they will rot.  So I added a little water and sugar. And some Strawberries!
Mmmmmm! Watermelon and Strawberry Wine. It smells divine and it isn't even done yet.

Now if I were really thrifty I would be making watermelon rind perserves with these rinds instead of feeding them to the chickens.

But I think I'll pass. Chickens gotta eat too!

Remember ..."If ya drink don't drive do the watermelon crawl ! "

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Hehe.
    You are being thrifty. you're giving them to your chicken instead of throwing them away. ;)

    It sounds really tasty just as it is! :)

  2. That wine sounds really devine; keep us posted on how it turns out!

  3. You're going to be one happy lady this winter;)))) I had found a recipe for watermelon jelly one year but have never had another bountiful crop of watermelons to try it out~ maybe next year......

  4. "...God bless little children while they're still to young to hate."

    My hubby quotes this from Tom T's song quite often!


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