
Monday, July 19, 2010

Stormy Skies

This is the sight we woke up to this Monday morning. This picture was taken at 9:30 am. How's that for ominous skies? Then this afternoon the heat index is forecasted for 110  degrees. Every gardener's nightmare storm water and then high temps to scald everything. Add to that a flat tire on the truck and the engine light on the car on. The mechanic thinks it is a sensor problem.  This week is off to a good start !!

Last week was a heck of a week too. Last Monday we scrambled to get all the exhibits for Baby Oops ready for the fair. They had to be delivered that night and judged. She did extremely well. Her 3 photographs all took blue ribbons, her coconut chocolate candy and cupcakes both took blues, her birdhouse took a blue and was chosen for Fall Review. Her Bug collection also took a blue and also is going to the State Fair.

Her ornaments for Arts and Crafts also took a blue ribbon and is also going to State Fair.

On Wednesday we spent all afternoon and evening at the fair grounds. We had to help work the concession stand for Baby O's 4-H Club. O Wise One was grilling hamburgers in 100 degree heat for most of the afternoon. We then walked around the fair looking at livestock and the other kids exhibits for a few hours. We got to visit with alot of our neighbors. That night Baby O competed in the talent contest. She sang a song and won 2nd place in the county. Her prize was $35. We were in the front row cheering her on with our neighbors from the farm down the road. She stayed after for the youth dance and rode home with her friends parents.  Us old folks went home and went to bed.  O Wise     One  and I were pooped.

Thursday was grass mowing and we managed to break a lawnmower belt and had to finish the mowing with the tractor. Mower is at the shop as we speak.  In between all this I managed to put up blackberries and blackberry jam and sauerkraut. On Sunday Baby O was back at the fair grounds for 1:00 for the archery competition. She took 2nd place in the county and brought home a gold metal.

Sunday evening we were all back home for Sunday Dinner with Fred and her husband and Baby Hank. We all pigged out to Red Beans and Rice, corn on the cob, corn bread and apple pie. Then the rest of the evening I passed out in my recliner with O Wise One right next to me snoring in unison. You see we have his and her matching lazy boy recliners sitting side by side. We snore in unison and serenade one another. Baby O retreated to her room to watch television and read a book. At the same time. Yes she is talented like that. Me, I can't walk and chew gum at the same time : ) 

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter 


  1. Congratulations on all the good things in your life!
    Hope the bad luck moves on.
    Have Blessed week! :)

    Haha. My anagram thingy is makepi...;)

  2. Congratulation to Baby O and all the good things. The others keep us in line with the one upstairs! Please be careful in this heat and drink lots of water!


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