
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Peaches are History

One thing about peaches is that you don't have time to wait around. When they are ripe they will not hold long and especially in this heat. So Tuesday I finished off the last of the yellow peaches. I made 2 more jars of peach pie filling and 4 peach jam with the last of them.

Then it was off to other things like okra..


This year I have went to the old heirloom variety Cajun Cowhorn Okra. My parents always grew this and I like that I can save the seeds every year from it. Also the pods get larger before turning hard which is also a plus. The plants are HUGE though but I have 72 acres so let it grow.

Can you believe that we are still picking blackberries with lots still on the bush. Since I have already made pie filling and blackberry jam I am just freezing these. Maybe the kids will want some.


These I am going to juice...

There are two different varieties of wine grapes here. One is a large red grape and the other is a small black grape with a slight taste of cherries. Also a wine grape. I am going to put a few jars of juice up for the kids. The seedless white table grapes are not ripe yet.


Not really quite sure what I am going to do with these! We have a bumper crop this year but I have already put up blackberry, peach and cherry jam this year. How much jam can one family eat. Maybe we shall just eat on them for awhile : )  

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Are ya gonna make some wine? =)

  2. You are a canning machine : ) Makes me wish I lived close enough to come learn from you. You can so many things that Granny never did.

    Cats in the corn-I've never heard of that before!
    I'll be praying for the little one who got hurt too.

  3. Well first off you better slow are making me look really bad out here!! Secondly you can just send those plums on out here to me. I am heading out to the farmers market today in hopes of finding some nice plums for some jam!!!

    Keep up the good work you are so inspiring to me!


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