
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Can you believe it is already July?

Oh my but where has this year gone. Seems like just yesterday we were hip deep in snow and whining. Then the rains came and we were hip deep in mud and whining. Now it is HOT and still we complain. Aren't we a fickle bunch : )

Hope everyone's 4th was great !

Here in The Holler we had guests over the Holiday. Fred's childhood friend and our neighbor before we moved to The Holler visits often with her husband. She and Fred have remained friends since childhood and she too comes home to me. She and I share a love of quilting and cooking. It is indeed like having another daughter without the labor pains. O Wise One has adopted her husband as another son in law. I think it is because his stories are new to him ! Fresh meat so to speak : )

Saturday in The Holler we all went to town to the town park for the old fashioned 4th of July celebration. Complete with pie bake off and cake walk and talent contest. Hot Dogs and Hamburgers and rides for the kiddies. Fireworks after dusk set off by the fire department.

We cheered for Baby Hank as he won 2nd place in the baby contest. 

 Grandma bought him new bib overalls just for the occasion. He looked so cute. After the show he pooped on his mom, the ribbon and his overalls just to let everyone know how he felt about this whole baby show thing. Hank is definitely going to give Fred (his Mom) a good education. In about 18 years he should have her trained.

The fireworks were great and we got to visit with lots of the neighbors. On Sunday we grilled hamburgers , hotdogs and chicken. Corn on the cob, baked beans and Au Gratin potatoes. The men cut up the fallen trees and stacked the wood for firewood. Son in law found the snake in the fallen tree. Bout scared him to death!  Graci helped grandma make homemade vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Then after dark we all watched Graci set off fireworks in the yard.    

Grandma rocked Hank in the house and watched through the window. Hank likes grandma's rocking chair already. He likes it alot !

Hope everyone had as good of a 4th of July as we did! Happy Birthday America.

Blessings from the Holler

The Canned Quilter

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear about your holiday weekend. Hank is definitely a cutie! :)
    Gracie looks like she's a big help you, too. :)
    Blessings to you all, too!


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