
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Winter Casualties

2010 was indeed a winter to remember. Indeed winters in the Midwest are nothing to sneer at. With the cold rains of October and November. The Snow, Ice and unrelenting  winds of December, January and February. With temperatures sometimes to 25 below indeed these prairies can be harsh.  April and May bring the spring hail, torrential rains and tornadoes spawned by violent spring storms. Some plants just cannot survive these extremes. My Autumn Clematis above was just beautiful last year. But this year I think it will not come back. It is reduced to this.

Just a few dried up brown twigs remain of this beautiful plant a casualty of the winter.
Also the small Crimson Maple below. A gift several years ago for Mothers Day from Fred. Oh well my thumb can't be green all the time. There is always something new to plant and try. It's all a game of trial and error. Sometimes it's just more error and indeed Mother nature can be cruel sometimes.

Also on the casualty list are my tame gooseberry bushes. The kids shall miss gooseberry pies. I think I will replant them in another location maybe near a structure for a littl protection from the harsh wind.

Anyone else lose anything this year?

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Can you take a cutting and try to root it? I had to do this to a plant my Grandmother brought back from Europe in 1930. One way of keeping something special a live.

  2. I have a brown thumb, so I often lose things. We transplanted some Spider Lilies from Louisiana to North Carolina.
    I looked at them yesterday, first chance since we got back, and out of the 4 or 5 plants I transplanted, only 2 leaves of one remain. And it is dying.
    But they grow from roots, so we shall see if they are really dead, or might come back in the fall, since it's more of a fall plant.


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