
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Holler Update

We Have Water !

Yes after 7 days of water rationing we again have water. It continues to have to be boiled but the water company has brought in cases of gallon jugs of water and given them out free to us. It will be nice to catch up on the laundry though.

On the garden front most of the Brassica vegetables are now in the freezer. The broccoli will continue to put on small side shoots until the heat overtakes it. The cabbage is either in the freezer or fermenting in the laundry room into sauerkraut. I did leave a few heads there to eat fresh. The green onions are in the freezer. The green peas continue to bear even in this heat. The strawberries are winding down but there are still a few out there.
We are now concentrating on the warm weather crops. Lots of corn, beans, tomatoes. still some bulb onions waiting for bulbs to form. Potatoes are doing good too. We are hoping all the rain we have had doesn't cause rotting problems for the potatoes. 

On Sunday Fred and I picked up my granddaughter Julian from  the airport. I am so proud of her because she flew by herself for the first time. She is staying with grandma for 3 weeks. I gave her a small digital camera and made her a blog. She is taking pictures of everything. You can find her blog here here . We call it Camp Grandma !

It is funny because Julian is a vegetarian and boy has she come to the right place. She has discovered the pea patch.

And the Strawberry Patch

And we are making homemade bread today since it is raining.

I'm really not quite sure who is having more fun but neither of us really care. We really don't get to see one another very often because she lives in Fla so we are going to enjoy it.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. How wonderful! Glad to hear you have water and fun with the granddaughter! :)

  2. Sounds like you're going to have lots of jun with your granddaughter! Making wonderful memories!


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