
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Weekend Baking Extravaganza

Rained most of the weekend. Saturday morning we did have a little respite for an hour or so and O Wise One and I went out to breakfast and dropped by the Farmer's Market. It did begin to sprinkle but we got a little time there. Not a whole lot available yet. Lettuce and onions which we already have on the farm. An Amish couple were there selling strawberries they were growing in hoop houses. They seemed very small though. There were lots of tomato plants and annuals and some fresh farm eggs. Still a little early yet for a lot to choose from. Lots of Amish and Mennonite baked goods though.

From there we went by the farm store for a sack of dog food and to pick up O Wise One's turkeys that had came in from the hatchery. I found 3 new Rhubarb roots for 99 cents each on clearance. I'll have lots of rhubarb in a year or two. We hurried home to get the baby turkeys under lights and out of the rainy weather.

Then spent the remainder of Saturday putting frozen asparagus in bags and also putting up onions in the freezer in bags that I had thinned out on Thursday before the rain.

Sunday I cooked a venison roast with brown gravy and onions with mashed potatoes and green beans out of the jar from last year. Also had Mustard greens and corn out of the freezer and homemade bread. For dessert I made a pound cake to use up some of the farm eggs we've been getting. I used Granny Miller's recipe found here .  It turned out wonderfully but I cooked mine in a bundt pan instead of a loaf pan. Great way to use up some of those farm eggs. I am going to freeze some loaves to go with strawberries.  

Made extra bread to slice and freeze for garlic bread.

Just another nice quiet rainy weekend.

Blessings from the Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. I hope you know you are killing me here!! I want a piece of that cake so bad now with my fresh strawberries!!!

    Don't you just love the farmer's market?? I feel so healthy just walking thru!

  2. You've been busy! lol

    I do the same thing with extra eggs sometimes. I can make 4 loaves of German Butter Pound Cake and it uses 12 yolks. The 12 whites go into an Angel Cake (tube cake). Then we're in Fat City for a while, but boy is it all good....


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