
Friday, May 21, 2010

The Turkeys Are Here

Thank God It's Friday. The end of a super busy week. School got out for Baby O yesterday and she graduated the Eighth Grade. So now I guess she is officially a freshman in high school. Oh my !

It rained ALL night. You may all have to send boats to me. LOL   

Tornadoes less than an hour away last night. I have not heard of anyone hurt though.

O Wise One is having a terrible time with bursitis in a shoulder. Took him to the doctor yesterday for a shot in his shoulder. He nursed a heating pad last night and is feeling a little better this morning.  

They're here finally. Four Bourbon turkeys. Meet Christmas, Thanksgiving, Noodles and Smoked. Hhhmmmmmm guess we know what lies in their future. Such is life on the farm.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter   


  1. I love the names!
    To someone who doesn't know much, they look a lot like chicks.
    Have a great weekend! :)

  2. We have raised Bouron Reds before. We only had 3 of them. I think I enjoyed raising them more than the chickens. When they were babys they would sing to us instead of peep. We have eaten all of them but one.They have a lot more dark meat than the hybrids breeds and taste so so much better!!! I wish you luck with them


  3. I wish they were mine! Where I live they aren't allowed, there is a way to get around that ordinance..Hmmm That's something to think about. Ginny


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