
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Take that Whirpool !

It's a new day and slowly all my broken appliances are being fixed. My water heater now has a new thermostat and works wonderfully. My lawnmower has a new belt and is sitting in the garage as of yesterday afternoon with a new belt ready to mow once the rain passes. My oven continues to not work. I was going fishing yesterday and it rained. I couldn't garden or mow and was stuck in the house on a cool and rainy day. I desperately needed some cooking therapy.  

I feel as if I have lost an old friend. The repairman is saying the mother board may be the problem. A new mother board costs $500. We already have $200 in repairs in it this week to replace sensors plus labor and mileage. I do not think we will put a $500 part in a 5 year old oven. Sadly we can buy a new one cheaper than we can repair it. So unless the repairman can fix the existing motherboard my top of the line Whirlpool Gold Stainless Steel shiny stove will go away. I have made many meals in her toasty oven. Many loaves of bread have passed through those doors. And pies and cakes and cookies and dog biscuits.........well you get the drift.  She lasted 5 years. 

I am so angry at Whirlpool. I have had Whirlpool appliances all my adult life. My mother had Whirlpool appliances. The last Whirlpool stove I had lasted 25 years. That's why you will find this all over my house.

Talking about product loyalty! I come from the old school you make a good product, sell it for a fair price and stick behind your product. When you find a product that works you stick with it. Now my grown children have started buying Whirlpool. I guess in today's economy Whirlpool can afford to lose loyal customers. So my stove will more than likely go to the dump. I will not buy another Whirlpool to break in 5 years. It's the end of an era.

SO in that spirit I needed to cook. Come on I am the mother of an eagle and 2 life scouts. I was both a boy scout and girl scout leader for years. I have cooked over a campfire, in a box oven even in a fireplace. My grandmother raised 8 kids on a wood stove!

So what did I do. Put some venison steaks in the crock pot with onions and brown gravy. Made rice to go with that. And smothered okra and tomatoes and horticulture beans. All out of my garden last year.  And to go with that....

Buttermilk Corn Bread..... 

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie........

                      2 loaves of white bread and 1 loaf of cinnamon raisin

All on my 49.99 toaster oven from WalMart that Baby Oops makes the occasional frozen personal pizza in after school. 

So take that Whirlpool

Bon Apatite!

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. What brand of toaster oven do you have that you can bake bread and pies in? I wouldn't be able to do that in mine. I'd really like to know.
    A new toaster oven is cheaper than a stove... ;)

    I'm surprised your gold label Whirlpool appliances didn't have a better warranty. :( But as you say, now days things are made to be thrown away. That's sadly the way the economy has become.

  2. When's lunch? I am on my way!

  3. Well I am so sorry about the untimely demise of your oven.............but.....a big but may not want to hear it, but I HATE WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES!!!!! I have the Whirlpool Gold side by side fridge and matching dishwasher. Despised them from the time they were installed. I felt like going back to the dump and digging my old Maytag dishwasher out of the heap. The fridge is just a disaster. I purchased these because they were on the top of the consumers list........hogwash!!
    I replaced my range last year and instead of the matching whirlpool I bought a terrific Samsung convection oven. Didn't look at the consumers list either prior to the purchase!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! Found out later they are now number one in kitchen appliances. I would only buy Samsung or Kitchenaid again!
    Great looking meal from a toaster oven, but I bet you could do the same with an easy bake oven!!!!

  4. I am so sorry about your break downs -- it happens with us to and always seems to be three things within a day or two.

    We have a 4 year old stove and range (propane) and it has been repaired twice for the same problem: the regulator. The part comes from Mexico. (So did the oven, we know now that we are smarter.)

    I already have the location for a good old-fashioned wood-burning cast iron stove and oven. My husband thinks I'm nuts. Maybe, but I'm practical and I can't see putting money into constant repairs for these tin-box appliances we've all been buying.

    Every one of these companies are using cheap/slave labor in Mexico and China. You might want to do some searches on your appliance to see if it has been on a Recall List.


Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I’m completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry, but I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) – so keep it polite, please. Also I am not a free advertisement board if you want to push a product on my comments I will delete you fast !!!